Monday, July 27, 2015

DIY Demb Diffuser

Now to change things up a bit, instead of writing something about my own feelings, i am writing down a DIY post, hopefully reaching people out there who are interested to make their own version of Demb Diffuser.

I own a camera and i shoot pictures, i don't really declare myself as photographer because it was overly used. The first time i saw Demb Diffuser is when i helped my friend for videography during his wedding, the hired professional photographers are using one. Since then i went on internet search and found out it was quite expensive for just some bouncing piece and a diffuser??

I don't really like DIY photography equipment actually because most of the time they are hardly presentable (not happy to the eye, LOL) But i wanted to try out the effect, so i made a very rough one (as below) and test it out, results are not bad!

So here's how you can make one in under RM15!

Basically here's what i used, a transparent plastic to hold A6  (Daiso RM5.30) , velcro and flexible strap (RM5.30 x 2), the most important bit, the price tag holder (RM1.90) and a magazine plastic from Institution of Engineers. I have another sort of rubber band thingy, where i have it during run events. (not shown in pic)

( The velcro and flexible strap are good if you have good stitching skills, eventually i replaced them with velcro strap cable ties, not stretchy tho )

Just dissemble the clip so you have a good  surface to wrap on or hold on. 

Wrap the clip with band or strap so it hold in place, clip the plastic holder with white paper in it, lastly cut a shape for diffuse material ( the  magazine cover ), all are pretty self explanatory. 

Below is the picture for comparison canon 600d, iso1600, 1/80, f /5, External flash bronic S38:

1. Shot with built in flash, direct flash, notice the harsh shadow 
2. Shot with external flash, pointed direct, lowest power, quite dark.

 3. Shot with external flash, plus flash diffuser cap, pointed direct, flash power + 1, notice the surrounding is more lit and slightly soft shadow.
 4. Shot with external flash, plus flash diffuser cap, pointed upwards, flash power +2, light is more even, shadow casted more soft, might be due to bounces from surrounding walls.
 5. Shot with external flash, with the flip card only, flash power +3. Notice the shadow from the grill.
 6. Shot with DIY demb diffuser, grill between two layers blurred out but notice slight decrease of brightness compare to 5.

DIY Demb is for sure better than 1-3, but even a cap diffuser pointed upwards can produce soft light that casts soft shadow, it might can produce better effect if power is increased. The DIY demb will be useful when there is no ceiling to bounce on, but this version wasted too much power, i even tried to turn my flash 180 degree still the lighting is still enough. The flip card maybe more effective if use a transparent material.

Conclusion: DIY Demb is better compared to not using any diffuser, more control of light directional and diffused light, but downside is waste more power (i believe this can be improved by using a reflective material instead of white bounce card!)

And here is my final "presentable" version, which i think is far visually acceptable than the draft version. The diffuser is some kinda flexible white plastic sheet, with velcro straps and cable straps to hold the bounce card in position.

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